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Support Is Part of the Product’s DNA, Not Just an Add-On

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With all the flexibility and options Kilkaya offers, our support is an essential part of your journey. We’re not just providing a product—we're here to share our expertise and help you tailor it to meet your unique business goals. From setup to optimization, our team is ready to ensure you make the most of Kilkaya, so you can achieve success specific to your needs.

All the documentation you need can be easily accessed through the support page within the app. Feel free to browse the resources there for any guidance or troubleshooting.


We use Pingdom to monitor our uptime, and you can check our historical performance as well. Please note that Pingdom only measures the availability of the application itself. If you can access Kilkaya but aren't seeing any data, there could be several reasons for this. For example, we might not be receiving the data, there could be issues parsing the data on our end, or there might be network problems with our hosting provider.

How can we help?

Get in touch

You can reach our support team via email at We strive to respond as quickly as possible – and always in person.